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Harry Lynch

Harry Lynch

Artist · Bruges, Belgium
ConsumerismAcryl & Charcoal on paper42 cm x 59,4 cm
Rush Hour
Rush HourAcryl & Charcoal on canvas 60 cm x 75cm
Nine to Five
Nine to FiveArcyl on canvas60 cm x 80 cm
Mental Revolution
Mental RevolutionCharcoal & Acryl on canvas120 cm x 100 cm
Fragmented Reality
Fragmented RealityAcryl & Charcoal on canvas 150 cm x 120 cm
Cultural Appropriation
Cultural AppropriationAcryl & Charcoal on canvas 100 cm x 120 cm
Mr. Middlefinger
Mr. MiddlefingerAcryl on Air Dry Clay (Glazed)21 cm x 19 cm x10 cm
InterventionAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
Passa Porta
Passa PortaAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
Check Your Ego
Check Your EgoAcryl & Charcoal on paper42 cm x 59,4 cm
Shit Show
Shit ShowAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42cm x 59,4cm
Hot Pursuit
Hot PursuitAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
Stand-ByeAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
Survival of The Fittest
Survival of The FittestAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
SerendipityAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
Subconscious Needs
Subconscious Needs Acryl & Charcoal on paper42 cm x 59,4 cm
PitstopAcryl & Charcoal on paper 42 cm x 59,4 cm
DystopiaAcryl, Charcoal & Ink on canvas 60 cm x 80 cm
Smoke Collector
Smoke CollectorCigarettes of snobby Art students, Epoxy, Clay, Glazing medium & acryl7 cm x 15 cm x 16 cm
Doomsday Diner
Doomsday DinerAcryl, Gouache & Charcoal on canvas 100cm x 120cm
Paradoxical Respawn
Paradoxical RespawnAcryl, Charcoal on canvas 120cm x 100cm
Imaginary Conversations
Imaginary ConversationsAcryl, Charcoal & Ink on canvas 80cm x 100cm
BeachwalkAcryl, Charcoal & Ink on canvas 150cm x 120cm
DesertationAcryl, Charcoal, Gouache & Ink on canvas 120cm x 100cm
ExodusAcryl, Charcoal & Ink on canvas 50cm 60cm
RebootAcryl, Charcoal & Ink on canvas 50cm x 60cm
DoubleThinkAcryl, Charcoal, oil pastels & Indian ink on canvas 120cm x 100cm
Uncontrolled Airspace
Uncontrolled AirspaceAcryl & Charcoal on canvas 120cm x 80cm
Re-VisionAcryl & Ink on canvas150cm x 130cm
Introspection Acryl, Oil pastels, Mirror scheets, Ethanol & Charcoal & Ink on canvas 100cm x 100cm
Brain Damage
Brain DamageAcryl, Charcoal & Ink on canvas 50 cm x 60 cm
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