zaccho studio artist-in-residence

Oct. 1, 2024
1777 Yosemite Avenue, San Francisco, United States
Artistic fields:

Zaccho Studio’s Artist in Residence (AiR) Program extends rent-subsidized studio space to outstanding established and emerging artists in the fields of contemporary dance, aerial dance, circus art, and theater. Our studio is equipped with a 2,500 ft² sprung floor, multiple anchoring points for rigging, seating for up to 99 audience members, and ample natural and artificial light. Artists in Residence are also required to present a free Work-in-Progress event at the Zaccho Studio during your residency. Zaccho Studio is a place where artists can share new ways of thinking and new ways of dancing. By extending partially subsidized rent to you as our Artist in Residence, we strive to provide a space for you to deeply explore your artistic process.

AiR Requirements and Opportunities:

  • Residency period should be a minimum of 50 hrs, scheduling based on studio availability.
  • The Artist in Residence will receive the discounted Studio Rental rate for up to 100 hours over 2 consecutive years.
  • Zaccho Studio AiR Logo and tagline “Supported by the Zaccho Studio Artist in Residence Program" are to be included in all print and electronic advertising and promotional materials for your Residency’s workshops, classes, or performances during the Residency time period.
  • The Artist in Residence must host one free Work-in-Progress showing or open rehearsal at ZacchonStudio for our local community of Bayview Hunters Point. Work-in-progress events provide a chancenfor artists to gain critical feedback on new work from a live audience.
  • Monthly check in meetings with the Zaccho Residency Program Manager (either phone, video, email)
  • The Artist-in-Residence will receive marketing support for any material during the residency. This includes performances, works-in-progress showings, open rehearsals, etc.
  • Proof of general liability Insurance.
Required Documents
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Zaccho Studio Artist-in-Residence

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