artist in residence program winter 2025

Sep. 23, 2024
3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Canada

This is a call for applications for a contemporary artist to come to the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) as an artist-in-residence at the Centre for South Asian Critical Humanities (CSACH) for the winter semester (February-April 2025). Our community partner for this initiative is the South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC).

We invite applications from contemporary practicing artists for developing and installing artistic projects, who will come to UTM to develop work that will be site-responsive or site-specific, culminating in an eventual installation on campus. The art can be digital or material or performative, in any medium. At present we can guarantee office space, we cannot guarantee access to studio space.

As the artist develops their creative work at UTM, discussion of their practice will be integrated into courses in History, History of Religions, Women and Gender Studies, Visual Culture and Communication, Art History, Studio Art, and/or Cinema Studies. Interested classes will invite the selected artist to come and speak about their work and engage students in participatory/experiential activities related to artmaking as a response to political and social transformations in contemporary South Asia and the South Asian diaspora. The artist will also be expected to give one public lecture about their art practice at the University towards the end of their residency.

The vision and purposes of this artist-in-residence program are:

  1. To use art practice and display to build bridges between UTM and its wider communities.
  2. To engage university and non-university communities in the ongoing potential of art in education.
  3. To encourage more of our students to see themselves as active participants and contributors to Canada’s and Mississauga’s cultural landscape.

The artist residency will invite art into the academic spaces of our university, disrupting existing forms of communication and achievement, and giving students and faculty spaces to think about the role of contemporary art in public conversations. With the diverse student body of UTM and the larger Mississauga area, this program will help to develop an appreciation of contemporary visual art as practised by racialized artists in a wider community and significantly contribute to UTM’s cultural landscape.

What we seek from the artist:

  • Weekly presence on campus (min. 2 days a week)
  • Consistent community engagement via talks, workshops, seminars, class-visits
  • One public lecture
  • Non-permanent installation on campus
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Artist in Residence Program Winter 2025

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