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Xiaoyi Gao

Xiaoyi Gao

Artist · Chengdu, China
weekend visit
weekend visitoil on second-hand upholstery40 x 60 cm
we can't see the horizon line in this city
we can't see the horizon line in this cityoil and stitch on collected upholstery over wood board60 x 80 cm
by the window
by the windowoil, pastel, paper, curtain, wood24 x 30 cm
from far far away
from far far awayoil on stretched quilt24 x 30 cm
trainOil and used dress on canvas120 x 160 cm
the day when the wind-up bird landed
the day when the wind-up bird landedwatercolor on paper 86 x 56 mm
accordion sound in the car exhuast
accordion sound in the car exhuastwater color on paper86 x 56 mm
zZZfound gloves, quilt and delivery box
shop owner's son's tales
shop owner's son's talesplastic bag, fabric, found wall debris
installation shot at ATTN gallery, Guangzhou
installation shot at ATTN gallery, Guangzhou
installation shot at ATTN gallery, Guangzhou
installation shot at ATTN gallery, Guangzhou
red-hat lady and the thrift store
red-hat lady and the thrift storeoil on used bed sheet
Busy summer season
Busy summer seasonoil on second-hand shirt30 x 40 cm
the day when the wind-up bird landed
the day when the wind-up bird landedoil and acrylic on canvas108 x 170 cm
artificial lake
artificial lakeoil paint and used shirts on wood board80 x 120 cm
untitledoil on household fabric30 x 40 cm
yesterday, my mother and my father
yesterday, my mother and my fatheroil on second-hand clothes24 x 30 cm
the son
the sonoil on second-hand shirt30 x 40 cm
preservationoil on second-hand clothes40 x 60 cm
fake mountain
fake mountainoil paint on second-hand shirt24 x 30 cm
celebration oil paint on second-hand towel30 x 40 cm
Train (draft)
Train (draft)Oil paint on stretched quilt30 x 40 cm
Placementacrylic on canvas, cotton thread
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