Nostalgic Floral DaydreamMedium: Hand panting E painting with stylus by Artist On Gallery Wrap30W x24 H
Requiem Of the FlowersMedium: Mixed media; Hand panting E painting with stylus by Artist, and Photography32 W x 30 H
Fuchsia Fusions From The EarthHand Painted with Stylus by Artist , painting E Painting 30x36
Crimson Flower Revival Photography and hand painted E painting Mixed Media Archival print 40H x 32W
In A Ripple Of Time Swimming Through the Collective of our Minds Archival print; Mixed Media Photography, Hand painted E painting31W X 20H
Tides rolling in , an evening with the Saturn of the sunPhotography36w x 24H
Floral corridors'' THRIVE ",The Colors that you shine Hand panting E painting with stylus by Artist On Gallery Wrap Canvas24h x 36w
Tranquility, Swimming through the collectivePhotography, Hand painted E painting with stylus by Artist, Photographer24h x 36w
Where The Fields Dream Photography24h x 36w
Roots within This SoilPhotography, Hand painted E painting with stylus by Artist, Photographer ( Hand Painted aspect on lower portion of artwork)24h x 36w
Natures Colors Collide Full SpectrumPhotography30x36
Tides of Time, '' Ride the waves''Photography24h x 36w
Navajo Nights Indigo DreamsHand painted Painting, E painting with stylus by Artist ; Lighting aspects digitally applied18w x30 w
A DARKER SHADE OF GREY, LIGHT ON THE HORIZON Hand panting E painting with stylus by Artist On Gallery Wrap canvas30x36
Rapture of the Falls Photography30h x34w
Water , On the RocksPhotography20H x 30 w
Radiance upon silver waters, Light of the shorePhotography24h x 36w
In WAVES of intensity, waves and sunset collidePhotography24h x 36w
Travel the sky a tree's Reflections Traditional Photography, Digital Photography On Exhibit Mount Metal24 h X 36W
Bench of Solace and SolitudePhotography, Digital Photography
Soft Cerulean , across serene shoresPhotography24h x 36w
Infinite TRNASCENDENCE Floral of lightPhotography30x36
Water The Essence Of Life ,Water Equals LifePhotography36wx24H
Silver Waves, Sunlight crashesPhotography36wx24H
Waves, under soft pale beams of sunlight Photography30h x 36w
An evening with the Saturn of the sun, under Vivid Midnight skies.''Photography36w x 24H
Make A wishPhotography24hx36w
Luminous Bloom for youPhotography30x36
Into The Waves, ''Rise''- EmpoweredMedium: Traditional Photography On Exhibit Mount Metal36w x 24H
Under Grey Skies ,An Evening Under the Saturn of the sunMedium: Traditional Photography, Colors digitally Enhanced36wx24H
Sun Light Crashes, Leaf of light Medium: Traditional Photography On Exhibit Mount Metal24h x 36w
Aztec Lucid DreamsMedium: Hand panting E painting with stylus by Artist On Gallery Wrap